Las Musas, located 18 kilometers away from Guanajuato City, is a beautiful nature reserve where the landscape is teeming with willows, ash trees, and ahuehuete trees. It has been a protected area since 2002. The animal species roaming the area include birds like woodpeckers or hummingbirds and small carnivores like coyotes and foxes. The delicate balance of this ecosystem is nurtured by the clear waters of the Río Colorado River. The reserve covers 3,174.764 hectares, ideal for a family adventure and photography enthusiasts.
Legend has it that during the Viceroyalty era, the two beautiful daughters of a nobleman used to bathe in the river, until one day they met a tragic end at the hands of evil men. The area was named ‘Las Musas’ or ‘The Muses’ as a reminder of the tale.
Nowadays this nature reserve is a hot spot for ecotourism and people who enjoy hiking, camping, archeology research, and photography enthusiasts, speaking of which, Las Musas is often used as a backdrop in photography sessions for social events like ‘Quinceanera’ and weddings.